Over the years, people have seen the emergence of Chipotle. Although Chipotle isn't anywhere near the size of Mcdonald's, it's presence and development should not be neglected. A lot of people wonder how exactly Chipotle became successful. If you would simply look at the figures in advertising, the amount that Chipotle spends on advertising for one whole year is equivalent to Mcdonalds' advertising budget for one day. That fact is very astounding. With that said, the success of Chipotle must have came from some other factors. From a closer look, you will see that Chipotle's brilliance comes from the product offered and their service. By following to these two important factors, Chipotle was able to grow faster than people have speculated.
Chipotle's product is very simple. Their strategy was to make gourmet mexican food quick but nonetheless still gourmet. You may also see some similarities between Chipotle and Subway, but Chipotle functions at a different level. Any Chipotle customer will tell you that their food is incredible. Some companies spend so much money on negligible expenses when all it takes is concocting the perfect service or product for your customers. That is what Chipotle did and they succeeded.
Another factor that contributed to Chipotle's success is their service. Along with this is the ambiance and atmosphere that they imbibe in their restaurants. Fast casual is definitely the new trend, and from the looks of it, it's going to stay. One thing's for sure, by making really good food fast and filled with value Chipotle was able to penetrate the saturated industry of food services.
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